Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Adevertising on Luka Angin


If you want to place your advertisement banner on this blog (Luka Angin), It's very possible for you to do that. Now, I have provided 6 places for 125 x 125 pixel banner on Luka Angin's right sidebar. The number of banner space will be added if the demand increased, even I'll add places for bigger banners. For text ads, I'll provide a new space for it if you request it to advertise in Luka Angin. OK, these are the steps if you want to put your banner on Luka Angin.

  1. Send me an email about your identity (full name, phone number, address) to yugo@yugoananda.com.
  2. Please include the url of image source (it's prefered) or you can attach an image of your advertisement banner with maximum size: 125 x 125 pixel. If the size exceed the maximum size, the banner will be resized.
  3. For text advertisement, you can submit maximum  20 characters for the title and 50 characters for the description (sent it via email, in message body).
  4. Don forget to include your ads link.
  5. In the email, please tell me how many weeks you want your banner to be published and the way you will transfer the money (via Bank or Paypal).
  6. After you transfer your money, confirm your payment via SMS (text) or email.
  7. After I've received and checked your confirmation, your bannner/text ads will be published immadiatelly.
How much you have to pay?

  1. IDR 50,000.00 per week for each banner/text
  2. Or if you prefer to pay in dollar the you have to pay US $ 6.00 per week for each banner
You can transfer the money to:

  1. My bank Account in "Bank Mandiri", 131-00-0496066-4, on the name of Yugo Prima Ananda (For Rupiah only)
  2. Or if you prefer to pay in US Dollar you also can do that. Transfer the money to my PayPal account on yugo@yugoananda.com (for USD only)
After you transfer the money, confirm me via sms on:
+62-852-218-05579 or
or via email to:

When your banner has expired, it will be removed from Luka Angin. But, you can renew your advertisement with same cost and same way. Let me know if you have questions about advertising in Luka Angin by sending an email to: yugo@yugoananda.com

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